When it comes to computers, they can be quite costly. We find that most people want their device to last as long as humanly possible, today, Chipheads Computer Repair in Richfield is discussing various do-it-yourself computer maintenance tips that can ensure your computer is running as smoothly as possible. Have additional questions about your computer? Think you may need computer repair services in Richfield or the surrounding Twin Cities areas? Reach out to Chipheads Computer Repair for any of your needs, we’re always happy to assist.
Desktop Management
Did you know that having more stuff crammed on your desktop can actually slow down how quickly your computer starts up and even runs? We recommend keeping your desktop as bare as possible, using your Start Menu and Taskbar for those important apps/programs you typically use.
Dust Removal
Dust can actually wreak havoc on your device, causing it to slow down and even resulting in complete failures in some cases. We recommend periodically using a can of compressed air to spray inside your computer, removing any dust build up. You should be very careful while doing so and follow directions.
Running Disk Cleanup
Many computer users have an abundance of files on their system that have no use any longer. Running disk cleanup regularly can help to remove these unnecessary files that can take up space and slow down your device.
While defragmenting your computer won’t actually free up more space, it does organize the existing data on your device making it easier to open them, leading to improved performance of your device. We recommend running this prior to going to bed as it can take quite a long time to complete.
Contact Our Richfield Computer Repair Shop Today
Need help with any of the above DIY tips? Experiencing a problem with your device? Interested in scheduling an appointment with our computer repair shop in Richfield? Contact Chipheads Computer Repair today for any of your needs, we’ll get you on our schedule.