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How Often Should You Clean Your Computer?

Ever wonder what’s lurking inside your PC? Spoiler alert: it’s probably dust, dander and other debris! Keeping your computer squeaky clean is not just about aesthetics; it's about making sure your machine stays fast, cool, and functional. So, how often should you give your trusty PC a good clean? Today Chipheads Computer Repair in Richfield is going to discuss computer cleaning and some tips. Have questions? Think you may need professional help with your device? For any of your needs, simply reach out.

Picture of Computer Keyboard That Has Been Cleaned

Regular Surface Wipe-Downs

Just like your desk, your PC’s exterior needs some love too. Once a week, wipe down the keyboard, mouse, and monitor to avoid sticky keys and greasy smudges. A simple microfiber cloth can work wonders—no need to get fancy! If you find any debris stuck in your keyboard or other area of your computer, compressed air can be really helpful. They sell it at most stores that carry computer stuff.

Monthly Vent and Fan Check

Your PC’s vents and fans are its lungs. When dust builds up, your computer struggles to breathe, which can lead to overheating and a sluggish performance. Give the vents and fans a gentle blow with some compressed air every month. It’s like giving your computer a little spa treatment.

Bi-Annual Deep Clean

Twice a year, it’s time to dig deeper—literally. Open up the case and get inside those nooks and crannies. Make sure you power down and unplug everything first. Use compressed air to remove dust from fans, GPU, CPU, and other components. Be gentle, though! Your PC’s delicate parts aren’t fans of harsh treatment.If you are concerned about cleaning your computer yourself, reach out to Chipheads Computer Repair. We’d be happy to take a look at your device and help get it cleaned up.

Pet Owners Beware!

If you’ve got a furry friend, you might need to clean your PC more frequently. Pet hair is notorious for sneaking into your machine’s insides, clogging up fans, and causing chaos. In this case, consider upping your cleaning game to every 3-4 months.

Know the Signs That Your Computer Needs Cleaning

If your PC is running hotter than usual, the fans are working overtime, or it’s slower than a snail on a lazy day, it might be crying out for a cleaning. Listen to your machine—it’ll tell you when it needs a little TLC.

Keep your PC clean, and it’ll repay you with longer life, better performance, and fewer headaches. Dust, dander and other debris might be relentless, but with a regular cleaning routine, your PC can stay fresh and smooth all year round!

Contact Our Richfield Computer Repair Shop Today

Need help cleaning your computer? Think you may need computer repair services? For any of your needs, simply reach out to Chipheads Computer Repair. We’re always happy to help.

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